Jakob Hütthaler-Brandauer studied law in Vienna and has been an independent lawyer since 2015. He worked for three years at the European Center for E-Commerce and Internet Law. Already during his studies he specialized in the field of Life Sciences, with a focus on food and pharmaceutical law, on which topics he regularly gives lectures in Austria and abroad. In his education as a lawyer, he put his focus apart from Life Sciences on Labor Law, Competition Law and Corporate Law. He advises national and international companies and represents before all courts and authorities in Austria. The law firm Hütthaler-Brandauer is run by the second generation and has existed since 1978.



Foundation lawpoint Hütthaler-Brandauer & Akyürek Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Founding partner at lawpoint, together with Dr. Metin Akyürek, Univ. Lecturer


Independent lawyer

Independent lawyer in Vienna



Associate at the law firm Dr. Hütthaler-Brandauer



Associate at the law firm Brauneis Klauser Prändl


Judicial Practice

Judicial practice at OLG Vienna


Employee at the European Center for E-Commerce and Internet Law



Bar Exam

Bar exam with honors


PhD Studies

PhD studies in law at the University of Vienna on the subject of "Online Drug Trading"


Law Studies

Law studies at the University of Vienna

  1. Publications

    Irreführende Produktaufmachung eines Erfrischungsgetränkes, LMuR 5/2024

    Rechtsprechungsüberischt Österreich, LMuR 3/2024

    Rechtsprechungsübersicht Österreich, LMuR 2/2023

    „Ein Problem – zwei Lösungen“ oder „Von grundverschiedenen Interpretationen der VO (EU) 2022/2258“, LMuR 2/23

    Rechtsprechungsübersicht Österreich, LMuR 4/2022

    Werberecht für Medizinprodukte in Österreich. Unterschiede zu Deutschland, MPJ – Medizinprodukte Journal Nr. 4/2021 (November 2021), S. 314-317

    Rechtsprechungsübersicht Österreich, LMuR 3/2021

    It all depends on the “good origin” - what is “the primary ingredient” in food supplements ?, LMuR 5/2020

    Focus on parallel imports, Österreichische Apotheker-Zeitung, 18/20

    PLANT EXTRACTS: EVERYTHING novel, OR WHAT? LMuR from June 15, 2019

    Extended doctor's reservation counterproductive? Die Presse from November 12th, 2018

    Hemp and its components in food, Die Ernährung 05/2018

    Status quo and future prospects for food for special medical purposes (balanced diets) - an inventory, LMuR from April 15, 2018 and Ernährung

    Status quo und Zukunftsaussichten für Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (Bilanzierte Diäten) – Eine Bestandaufnahme, Die Ernährung vom 01/2018

    Data privacy: All homework done ?, Quintessence

    Liberalization of the OTC market with a sense of proportion, Ärzte Woche on December 14th, 2017

    Physical education remains possible without a great risk of liability, Die Presse from 9.10.2017

    New notification requirement for dietetic foods for special medical purposes - National regulations in Austria, LMuR from August 15, 2017

    Car better protected than schoolchildren, Die Presse from May 15, 2017

    Nutritional value on prepackaged foods, Der Standard, 12/12/2016

    "ECJ solution leads to uncertainty", Apotheker Krone, 11.11.2016

    "Big hurdles for dm claims", Apotheker Krone, April 15, 2016

    No misleading according to the LMIV by the indication "Palm fat hardened", Lebensmittel & Recht 5 2016

    The terms “concentrate” and “other substances” in dietary supplements, Die Ernährung 1 2016

    Allergen information regulation information and recommendations for sport

    ECJ - no to contract amendments, Der Standard, 2.6.2014

    Parallel import improvement for authorization holders, PharmAUSTRIA 5 2013

    Parallel import Possibility of legal remedies for authorization holders, PharmAUSTRIA

  2. Lectures

    Verwaltungspraxis und Rechtsprechung in Österreich mit europäischen Bezug

    Handelsblatt EUROFORUM NEM 2024, 28.11.2024


    "The current status of the EU Health Claims Regulation - a (seemingly) never-ending story"

    Kompaktkurs Nahrungsergänzungsmittel & Functional Foods, imh, 26. und 27.11.2024

    Kompaktkurs Nahrungsergänzungsmittel & Functional Foods, imh, 28. und 29.11.2023

    Kompaktkurs Nahrungsergänzungsmittel & Functional Foods, imh, 22. und 23.3.2023

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, May 16 and 17, 2020

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, October 15 and 16, 2021

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, September 15 and 16, 2020

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, May 14 and 15, 2019

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, April 11 and 12, 2018

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, May 11 and 12, 2017

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, April 19 and 20, 2016

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, May 5 and 6, 2015

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, May 14 and 15, 2014


    Heilmittelwerbung in Österreich

    FORUM – DACH: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Heilmittelwerbung, November 2024

    FORUM – DACH: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Heilmittelwerbung, April 2024

    FORUM – DACH: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Heilmittelwerbung, November 2023

    FORUM – DACH: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Heilmittelwerbung, April 2023


    NEM am Richtertisch

    IGEPHA NEM-Regulatory Update, 21.09.2023


    CBD und Cannabis im Lebensmittelrecht

    IFHA CannaSci Talks 2022 Symposium zu aktuellen Fragestellungen um Cannabis bzw. CBD, 29.4.2022


    Cannabis und Cannabinoide in Lebensmitteln - rechtliche Lage in Österreich

    Cultiva Cannabis Kongress, 19.-21.11.2021


    „Novel Food“

    Compact course dietary supplements & functional foods, imh, October 15 and 16, 2021



    "E-prescription - a legal perspective"

    Pharma Marketing Academy, 24.9.2020


    "The primary ingredient in food supplements & cannabis and CBD in food supplements"

    IGEPHA NEM-News für die Praxis – Online Update für Nahrungsergänzungsmittelhersteller, 25.5.2020


    "Managing Recalls - Crisis Guide for Food"

    IGEPHA Seminar Produktrückruf, 4.3.2020


    "Update Practical Knowledge Cosmetics"

    IGEPHA Kosmetika, 26.11.2019


    "Cannabis and cannabinoids in food - legal situation in Austria"

    Cultiva Cannabis Kongress, 11.-13.10.2019


    "Update food supplements and FSMP - This is how it also tastes the regulator"

    Legal news food supplements and FSMP IGEPHA, 17.6.2019


    ECOPLUS "Innovative Food - Law & Security"

    Novel Food Regulation - Limits to Innovative Foods for special medical purposes (balanced diets) - a tightrope walk in product development, May 28, 2019


    "Labeling and advertising of AM, food supplements MP & cosmetics"

    Forum Institut für Management GmbH, 19. – 20.9.2018

    Forum Institut für Management GmbH, 14. – 15.9.2017


    "Current case law on claims"

    Effects of the revision of the diet law, IGEPHA training: Food supplement update, Opportunities and limits of proven and innovative health foods, May 17, 2018


    "Update: legal hotspots on the OTC market"

    imh Fachkonferenz OTC, 22. – 23.11.2017


    "The future of dietetic foods"

    imh Seminar, 17. – 18.10.2017


    "Borderline products: differentiation between drugs, medical devices and combination products"

    IIR Online Seminar – Pharmarecht Update, April 2017


    "Different" faces "of botanicals"

    IGEPHA und Diapharm 16.1.2017


    "Basics on drug advertising law and health claims"

    Pharmazie Uni, Januar 2017



    bei Austromed & IGEPHA


    "Convenience Food: A Legal Challenge"

    IIR Current trends in community catering - Specialist conference "Community catering", November 16, 2016


    FOOD SUPPLEMENTS & CO "Legal background and questions of delimitation", "Use of botanicals in food supplements"

    Forum Institut für Management GmbH, 13.10.2016


    Use social media confidently

    IGEPHA Workshop, 13.04.2016


    "RX and OTC - Online Pharma Marketing from a Legal Point of View"

    IIR Online Seminar – Pharmarecht Update, 1.3.2016


    "Basics on drug advertising law and health claims"

    Pharmazeutische Fakultät der Universität Wien, 29.1.2016


    "Safe mail order business? First experience reports with the online mail order business of OTC products in Austria "

    IIR pharmaKON 2015, 18. und 19.11.2015


    "The dispatch of non-prescription drugs in Austria - what is the legal situation?"

    IIR Wachstumschance im OTC-Markt, 16. und 17.9.2015


    "The Austrian Distance Selling Regulation on Medicinal Products"

    Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung des BVDVA in Berlin, 10.6.2015


    "Allergen information for sports clubs"

    BSO Informationsveranstaltung zur Allergeninformationsverordnung, 29.4.2015


    "Requirements for logistics partners in shipping"

    IIR Arzneimittelversand Final Countdown, 12. und 13.11.2014