Amendment of the Food Supplements Directive

by in Life Sciences
The Food Supplements Directive (EC) 2002/46 will be amended in three main points by Regulation (EU) 2021/418 of 09.03.2021: The unit for specifying copper is changed from micrograms to milligrams. Nicotinamide riboside chloride can be used as niacin. Magnesium citrate malate can be used as magnesium. VO (EU) 2021/418. The regulation applies with regard to the indication of the unit of copper [...]

Maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods

by in Life Sciences
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has revised its proposals regarding maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods. Since there are still no binding maximum levels for vitamins and minerals, particularly at the European level, BfR repeatedly comments on health risks from food supplements and provides information on health problems that may be associated [...]

Requirements for on-call duty as working time

by in Labor Law
Decisions of the CJEU from 9.3.2021, C-580/19 and C-344/19 - Requirements for on-call duty as working time. In summary, the ECJ stated in both cases that for the assessment of on-call time as working time, it is essentially a matter of such restrictions on the use of free time that are imposed on the employee in particular on the basis of the employment contract, the work regulations or the on-call schedule. It is therefore essential how [...]

Pharmacy reservation is in conformity with the constitution - finding of the VfGH

by in Life Sciences
Supreme Constitutional Court from 03.03.2021, V 75-76/2019-15 – Pharmacy reservation is in conformity with the constitution. In the third application to the Constitutional Court by an Austrian drugstore chain to annul the pharmacy proviso on the grounds of interference with freedom of purchase and violation of the principle of equality, the court succeeded in obtaining a substantive decision. However, the application was rejected. As a brief reminder, the content of the first two applications was not processed because [...]