Health claims for botanicals - is anything changing?

by in Life Sciences
Nach der Vorlage des dBGH zu I ZR 109/22 ist ein Vorabentscheidungsverfahren beim EuGH zu C-386/23 anhängig, bei welchem vor kurzem die Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts veröffentlicht wurden. Nachstehend möchte ich dies kurz beleuchten und versuchen, einen Ausblick zu geben. Der Text ist möglichst einfach gehalten und ich spare mir ausufernde Zitate. Die Juristen mögen mir [...]

Liability of the platform operator for breach of labeling obligations

by in General
OLG Frankfurt, Decision from 21.12.2023, 6 U 154/22 –Liability of the platform operator for breach of labeling obligations. Several sellers have offered a soy drink on the Amazon sales platform and illegally referred to it as "soy milk". The Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt confirmed the first-instance judgment of the Regional Court of Frankfurt and stated that a platform operator has a duty of review. The prerequisite for liability under the UWG is the [...]

Request for a preliminary ruling on cross-border healthcare

by in Health Care
Supreme Court, 4 Ob 20/23d, Request for a preliminary ruling from 25.1.2024 – Cross-border healthcare. A lawsuit brought by the Austrian Dental Association against a dentist in Austria leads to extensive questions in the context of a request for preliminary ruling by the Austrian Supreme Court to the ECJ: The Austrian Chamber of Dentists sought an interim injunction to prohibit the Austrian dentist from directly or indirectly participating in dental activities performed in Austria by foreign companies [...]

Legality of online sales of non-prescription medicines: status of a pharmacist required?

by in Health Care
CJEU, judgment of 29.2.2024, C-606/21 - Legality of online sales of non-prescription medicinal products: status of a pharmacist required? The CJEU recently had to deal with the exciting question of the extent to which suppliers who do not have the status of pharmacist may still offer over-the-counter medicines for sale online. The Paris Court of Appeal suspended the main proceedings and referred questions to the Court for a preliminary ruling. [...]

Misleading "organic" claim for cosmetic products

by in Life Sciences
LVwG Lower Austria from 13.11.2023, LVwG-S-1656/001-2023 - Misleading "organic" claim for cosmetic products. A cosmetic product was placed on the market in an eye-catching manner on the front of the cardboard packaging in the same field of vision as the product name with the indication "organic" with 2 leaves and a circular text in small letters "with valuable active ingredients from nature". The front of the product [...]

Association law and the Non-profit Reform Act 2023 - what do non-profit associations need to be aware of in future?

by in General
Non-profit Reform Act 2023. The Non-profit Reform Act 2023, which is scheduled to come into force on 01.01.2024, is intended to expand the group of associations eligible to deduct donations. In future, tax relief will generally be available to all associations that pursue a charitable purpose. The new legislative package includes, in particular, changes to the Income Tax Act, namely a so-called tax-free volunteer allowance for voluntary services that are not due to an employment relationship [...]